Annisa, Adna and Mark at BNA 2013, Barbican, London.
Mark’s paper is now out in J Neurosci and thanks to Wellcome’s Open Access policy it’s available for all to read here and here – enjoy!
Braving the hottest, most cramped and most inaccessible poster board layout known to science, Adna, Annisa and Mark all presented at the recent BNA Festival of Neuroscience just up the road at the Barbican. Some good feedback & discussion, and some interesting sessions at the conference too, so we’re hoping the BNA sticks to London in the future.
More team member changes, as usual – Tom finished his rotation project with us, and we now have an MSc student for the summer, Shivali Kohli, who’s looking at optogenetic activation of calcineurin-dependent transcription factors. And we’re hoping that Elisa Galliano will join us for a post-doc soon. Matt went over to her current lab in Rotterdam to give a talk in March, and to work on possible projects and funding for her to study olfactory bulb plasticity here. The applications are underway, so fingers crossed!
Lastly, in non-science lab news, Matt got married on April 13th! A fantastic day despite the British weather, and life as an honest man is agreeing with him very well so far.