November 2016


frontiers-logo-homeWe’re celebrating the publication of Adna’s paper in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience this month!  As part of a special collection of papers on ‘Neurobiology of the Axon in Health and Disease’, this paper outlines our quantitative evaluation of different methods for live-labelling the axon initial segment.  After ruling out several antibody-based and genetically-encoded approaches for various reasons of unsuitability, Adna finally found that one particular probe is extremely well suited for live studies of AIS plasticity.  The paper’s completely Open Access, so if you want to find out which probe it is, you can read the full text here!


FKNE on the beach…

After a nerve-wracking Brussels interview for an ERC Consolidator Grant last month, Matt is now experiencing an equally nerve-wracking wait for the outcome.  But this was made more bearable by attending the autumn meeting of the FENS-Kavli Network of Excellence in Benidorm (no, really), which featured a heap of great science, along with the once-in-a-lifetime chance to sing ‘Wheels on the Bus’ in public with Richard Morris…

...and up the alley!

…and up the alley!

Other lab members have been travelling too, Marcela to Heidelberg for the ‘From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology’ meeting, and Darren to San Diego to attend this year’s SfN meeting.  And Elisa came back from Boston for a flying visit, too, which gave us the perfect excuse to revive our traditional ‘half-year’ curry – marvellous!


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