September 2010

DSC_0025aAfter a pretty quiet summer holiday period, we’re all back in the lab and moving things along nicely.  Most excitingly, late September saw the arrival of our newest lab member: a beautiful Zeiss confocal microscope.  Here she is in all her pristine glory – stunning cellular images to come as she accelerates the pace of our research no end (fingers crossed)…

And congratulations to Annisa who passed her PhD viva at the Royal Veterinary College last month!  I’ll try and persuade Dr. Chand to put up a PDF of her thesis, entitled ‘ Developmental expression and functional requirement of pituitary guanylyl cyclase-B (GC-B) and calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) in vivo and in vitro‘, once it’s all finalised.

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